Food@Work ECOTROPHELIA Belgium 2018
Don't hesitate and participate at ECOTROPHELIA 2018 !
You have an original idea for an innovative and sustainable food product?
Food@Work ECOTROPHELIA Belgium 2018 is open for all students from establishments of scientific and commercial higher education, located in Belgium. The concept is the same as before, we just changed the name: Food@Work ECOTROPHELIA Belgium 2018. The goal of the competition is the creation of an eco-innovative food product, with a high market potential.
The first step of the competition is the national Food@Work ECOTROPHELIA Belgium 2018 competition. The national winner competes in ECOTROPHELIA Europe, with prestigious prices to win (up to 6.000€).
FEVIA, the Belgian Food Federation, organizes the Food@Work ECOTROPHELIA Belgium competition. FEVIA shall make every effort to provide full media coverage and to stimulate the food companies to commercialize the products, together with the students.
The Food@Work ECOTROPHELIA Belgium 2018 rules have been attached. Inscription is allowed until November 10th 2017.
Therefore, please fill in the online registration form.
The competition will take place on March 9th 2018.
Have a look at the Award Cermony of last year
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