Juin 2014 - Julie Morin-Riva
Quelle histoire pour les forêts d'Afrique Centrale ?
Archaeologist infiltrated in the world of tropical forestry, my research explores the way past human populations impacted their environment in central Africa.
In particular, I use wood charcoal in soil as a proxy for anthropogenic disturbances and identify the species that burnt during the past at different periods for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.
Among my challenges: to find evidence of human settlements in remote areas within the African forest, and to develop innovative methods to study wood in all its forms.
I am really concerned about making connections between people and projects, and to share my passions with wider public audiences.
Finally, I am a science-fiction writer!
Voir la présentation sur SlideShare
27 juin 2017 - Mardi de l'AIGx à Villers
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